Techniques For Hand-drilling Oil Wells – Megan Michael of Urbana High School found the OOGEEP teacher workshop helpful in tackling state standards for her environmental science class. He said, “As a teacher, this workshop gave me practical approaches and new ideas to teach lessons in the STEM process. Topics like oil formation and oil drilling would usually be difficult concepts to deliver in labs and OOGEEP taught me some great concepts. Provided options for practical activities for me.”
First, Michael introduced drilling and well stimulation topics with OOGEEP slides and videos related to the topic. Students then did a Sweet Exploration activity with Twinkies, followed by reflection questions as well as a Venn diagram to compare and contrast.
Techniques For Hand-drilling Oil Wells
Michael said, “The activity went well! I really think it helped students understand the concept. Many students said they liked the activity and we also had good discussions about how to show the same concept.” What other ingredients could be used? Ideas include similar snack cakes (chocolate ho-ho), lava cakes, various pudding/jello layers, cracker/dessert layers and an ice cream sandwich.”
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For the “Building a Model Oil Well” activity, Michael showed a short OOGEEP video of a working model from YouTube. He said, “They still had to do some exploring on their own. I found it’s a good mix of still allowing their creativity, but giving them some structure and guidance.” Right now, opening an industry publication is almost Unlikely and no reference to horizontal or directional drilling was found. And for good reason. Those wells are perhaps the key element that made the American shale revolution possible. Fracking gets all the headlines as the technology that allows the extraction of shale oil and gas but without long sides of horizontal wells there would not be enough open paying area for fracking in the first place. And, really, what’s more impressive? Are you able to accurately open a piece of rock or drill a well 20,000 feet at 90 degrees from vertical? Arranging freak hands, I’m being sarcastic… sort of.
We have known for some time about large amounts of oil and gas trapped in shale plays such as Eagle Ford in Texas and the Bakken in North Dakota. The problem is that pore spaces in tight shale formations prevent economically attractive quantities of oil and gas from flowing freely into a conventional well. Vertical wells only expose the portion of the shale formation immediately below the bit. This is fine if you are drilling into a pay zone hundreds of feet across, but less than ideal if your target is only 20 feet thick. What if you could drill inside that structure instead?
I’m not sure when I was first made aware of directional or horizontal drilling, but I would have to believe it was in the early 90’s when I was in high school. I remember having a vague understanding of what it was but absolutely no understanding of how it was achieved. If you’re reading this, you’re probably in the same situation. About 10 years later, I laid eyes on my first directional bottom hole assembly and it all started to make sense. Directional drilling techniques have evolved and become very sophisticated over the years, but the basic idea is still the same: point a bit in the direction you want it to go.
During the time I worked offshore, every directional well I was involved in was drilled using mud motors. Without getting too technical, a mud motor is a downhole tool similar in shape to a drill collar and consists of a positive displacement pump (PDP) that operates by pumping drilling fluid down the drill string. The PDP is used to rotate the bit independently of the drill string.
Inside The Rough And Tumble Race To Clean Up America’s Abandoned Oil Wells
Mud motors used in directional drilling are made with a small twist that can vary by about 4 degrees. The vertical part of the well is usually drilled by rotating the entire drill string. When the operator decides he is ready to go directional, drilling stops and the directional driller directs the drill string so that the turns in the mud motor point in the direction everyone thought the well would go. should go. At that point, the PDP is engaged and only the bit rotates. As pressure is applied, the bit begins to chew the structure and the hole created corresponds to the degree of twist inherent in the mud motor. When the proper hole angle is reached, the PDP is disconnected and conventional drilling resumes on the new path. This type of drilling is called “sliding” because the drill string literally slides along the wellbore as the bit is the only thing that rotates.
Slippage can be slow and cause too much drag which causes problems when you start drilling long horizontal wells. A lot of friction has to be overcome as gravity pulls the drill string to the bottom of the wellbore. To deal with this, resourceful men and women in the oil and gas industry invented various Rotary Steerable Systems (RSS). RSS offers the advantage of rotating the drill string as well as controlling the direction of the bit. I’m not going to go into the reasons for this, but just know that keeping the drill string moving while drilling helps keep down a lot of hole monsters.
RSS focuses on 2 different technologies called push-per-bit and point-per-bit. Bit push technology controls the path of the well by physically pushing the bit to the edge of the wellbore. This is done using a series of movable metal pads built into the non-rotating part of the downhole steering tool. The bit can be directed in any direction by pushing 1 or more pads on opposite sides of the wellbore. When the pads are not busy guiding the part, they act as stabilizers to keep the part centered.
Dot-per-bit technology is a little more difficult to explain so you’ll have to use your imagination. In point-per-bit systems, the bit is attached to a flexible shaft that extends through the tool body. Different companies do this in slightly different ways but all involve turning the shaft. One company uses a series of eccentric rings to deflect the shaft while the other company uses a set of pistons to push the shaft. No matter how this is done, the end results are something that always points toward the goals identified by geologists and petroleum engineers.
Well Cost 1
As effective as point-the-bit and push-the-bit systems are, they are useless without reliable electronics to control downhole equipment and reliable telemetry to know where the bit is and what direction it is always going. The success of RSS is the result of years of effort across many different disciplines within the industry and has allowed hundreds of thousands of feet of oil and gas bearing shale to be exposed by expanded horizontal wells. Which, in turn, allowed fracking companies to take the lead and get all the attention. Well done frack hand!
I left out many details for the sake of time and to maintain the level of interest. If you have questions on this or anything related to the oil sector, you can contact me on Twitter @RZOffshoreguy or leave a comment below. Also, the How It Works section of RigZone may be able to answer some questions so click on that.) That article looked at some ancient oil industries around the world, and the relationship between those ancient industries and our modern oil Parallels were drawn between the industries. Readers of that article may have found an ax to grind on the topic. I think human cultures have a tendency to exaggerate their own achievements, whether in the arts, science, business or technology, and downplay, ignore or completely ignore those of other cultures. As a teenager I remember being angry at Erich von Däniken’s ridiculous conclusion that only with the help of a few superior extraterrestrial beings could the glorious achievements of cultures that have now disappeared around the world be explained. As members of our Euro-North American Western culture, I think we are especially guilty of relegating the achievements of other cultures to also-ran status.
, written by Mark Kurlansky. I highly recommend it, along with Kurlansky’s other books, to anyone interested in history and human affairs.
, The themes of the three books intertwine in a very entertaining way. But to get back to salt, one chapter details an ancient salt production industry involving sophisticated drilling techniques and the co-production of brine and natural gas in China’s Sichuan province, which far predates Western efforts. . I was extremely interested in it, and I immediately thought this topic would be a great follow-up to my first topic, because it involved hydrocarbon exploitation, and even better, it was ideal nutrition for the bee in my bonnet – that’s what it was about. Another culture from a long time ago, whose exploits and achievements we in the West often overlook.
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