Ancient Oil Extraction Techniques

Ancient Oil Extraction Techniques –    This page provides an overview of the olive oil production process. It lists the oil pumps available on the sites.

Olive oil is produced by growing and harvesting olive trees, crushing them with an oil press, and collecting the golden juice. This process began about 5,000 years ago and has been increasing in popularity and value ever since.

Ancient Oil Extraction Techniques

Growing olive trees for olive oil production usually takes several years before the trees begin to produce large quantities of fruit. The time it takes for an olive tree to mature and begin bearing fruit can vary depending on various factors such as the variety, soil quality and climatic conditions.

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It takes an average of 3-5 years for an olive tree to begin producing fruits that can be used to produce olive oil. However, some varieties of olive trees take 8 years or more to fully mature and produce a large harvest.

Olive trees can produce olives for decades after ripening, with some olive trees bearing fruit even at 100 years of age. However, the quality and quantity of olives produced from this tree can decline with age, so proper care and maintenance is essential to keep the tree healthy and productive.

In the Levant, the timing of the olive harvest mainly depends on the type of olive tree and local climatic conditions. However, the general olive harvest season in the Levant begins in late September or early October and can last until January.

Some varieties of olive trees in the Levant ripen earlier or later than others, so the exact harvest time of the olives may vary depending on the region and the type of olive. In addition, the timing of olive harvesting is affected by weather conditions such as rainfall and temperature.

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During the olive harvest season, many families in the Levant participate in the traditional activity of harvesting and pressing olives to produce olive oil, which is an important part of the region’s cuisine and culture.

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Olive oil has been used as a cooking oil, food, lighting fuel, soap making, religious rituals and medicine.  In modern times, olive oil has become an important component of Middle Eastern cuisine, and its production has been one of the main sources of income in the Holy Land for thousands of years.

In Roman and Byzantine times, oil presses numbered in the thousands; Many farmers had their own businesses, and large state-owned industrial complexes produced large quantities of olive oil. In the Golan Heights alone, 109 oil pumps have been discovered at 58 ancient sites, most of which were active during the Roman and Byzantine periods.

Ancient Oil Extraction Techniques

Various types of machines were used to crush the olives and then extract the oil from the crushed olives. They varied in size, method of operation, use of human and animal power, infrastructure and power. Most oil presses had one crushing stone and tank, and one or two pump units.

Traditional Olive Oil Production

These devices represented the original olive oil production process, in which the olives were crushed and placed in baskets.

This oil press used a large rolling stone to crush olives.  The stone was held vertically and attached to a long handle. The handle was pushed by a person or animal. Rubble rolled down the depression around the base and crushed the olives. The crushed olives are then placed in a basket and processed through an oil press.

The oil press was the second stage of olive oil production, where crushed olives were pressed to extract the juice.

There are several common types of ancient oil presses that have not changed much since the Hellenistic period. They are divided into several categories, defined and numbered in Raphael Frankel’s doctoral dissertation. The most common types of oil injection are described in detail below: #4 (lever), #7 (direct pressure screw), and #6 (lever block cylinder).

How Is Olive Oil Made?

The restored oil press below was found in a four-room house above the palace at Tell Hazor, dating from the 8th century BC.  This is a typical lever oil press used in biblical times. Later, the oil pump developed into other types of machines.

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In this oil pump, a stone weight was tied to the edge of a wooden lever and the lever was pressed. Using a lever allows you to apply a lot of force over a short distance. The force of the lever pushed the flat stone onto the basket of olives. The stone basket was pressed and the precious olive oil was extracted from the round grooves of the stone of the vessel. The sap flows down these grooves, exits through the outlet in the tank, and flows into a collection tank. Olive juice contained water and oil. After a few days, a light oil from the juice floats to the surface of the water, which is then collected and stored in a container.

A direct pressure oil press was found and restored in a temple of the 5th-8th centuries AD in Kursi.  This is a simple screw oil press that uses direct pressure crushing method.  It was widely used in the Golan and Galilee during the Hellenistic and Roman-Byzantine periods.

Ancient Oil Extraction Techniques

This oil pump has a vertical bolt attached to a wooden frame. The frame had a stone base with holes on both sides. Turn the short-handled screw and insert the crushing stone into the tank. Juice flowed from the outlet into the holding tank.

Schematic Diagram Of Clevenger’s Apparatus. (reproduced From Guha 2010)

This type is a hybrid of the lever and screw type. The pressure of the lever is replaced by a bolt, which pushes the lever down, lowering it with the help of a weight.

A wooden lever (not shown) was attached to the wall at both ends through a grate, and a screw was installed at the other end above the weight.   The wooden installation was attached to the side of the scale, placed vertically with the help of double cavities (tubes) on its sides. Cylindrical weights are typically between 1.5 and 4 tons, so when the bolt is tightened the arm moves down. A lever moved a basket of olives placed on top of the container. The extracted oil is then drained into a collection tank from the outlet.

An illustration of this type is shown on the side of H. Danaila’s oil pumping machine. A plaque on the left wall (title in Hebrew: “Byzantine Oil Press”) depicts the operation of an oil press and describes its design. The symbols of its elements are as follows: (1) basket of crushed olives, (2) pressing base, (3) lever, (4) arch, (5) large wooden screw, (6) cylindrical weight, (7) collector watt.

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Elements of oil crushers (crushers, vessel crushers) and oil presses (press weights, columns, vessels) and other stone fragments are found in large quantities at most excavations, near ancient monuments and in the fields. .

Oil Creation And Production:what You Need To Know

The following section lists oil pressure locations. Click on the site name for more information about each site, or click on the image to view it in higher resolution. Each insert is named, directed to the site, oil injection type indicated, installation date indicated and a photo provided.

Israel’s largest oil pumping complex is located in Karmei Katif, near Moshav Amatziah. The nine structures are located in a series of caves carved into soft, narrow rock.

In the Bible, especially in the Old Testament, there are several references to the production of olive oil. Here are some examples :). This article looked at ancient oil industries from around the world and drew parallels between these ancient industries and our modern oil industry. Readers of this article would probably find my favorite ax in the topic. Human cultures tend to exaggerate their achievements in the arts, science, business, and technology, and to disparage, belittle, and reject other cultures. I remember, as a teenager, being outraged by Erich von Däniken’s ridiculous conclusion that only the help of some fantastical alien could explain the spectacular success of a globally extinct culture. As members of our Euro-North American Western culture, I believe we are very guilty of degrading the achievements of other cultures to the status of different civilizations.

Ancient Oil Extraction Techniques

, Mark Kurlansky. I recommend this book, as well as Kurlansky’s other books, to anyone interested in history and human affairs.

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. The themes of the three books are interconnected in a very interesting way. But let’s get back to the salt. Let’s mention in one of the chapters the ancient salt industry in China’s Sichuan province, which combines sophisticated drilling technology, brine and natural gas.

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